Hackathon: Coding for a Better CommunityShare this pageShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Linkedin

Work with a team to design an application that makes the world a little better!
Tuesday, March 18th, 2025
(Registration is now closed)
Hackathon General Information
If you bring a laptop, an open mindset, creativity, and a lot of enthusiasm, then we'll provide the rest!
Specific topics will be presented by community members the day of the event. Working in a team you'll design, develop, and share your ideas. Professional mentors will be available onsite to help you, as needed. We'll have an exhibit at the end of the day where all teams will showcase their work.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025:
- 8:30 am – 9:30 am – Check-in (Main Lobby of TLC Building)
- 9:30 am – 10:15 am – Opening talks
- 10:15 am – 12:15 pm – Coding session
- 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm – Lunch (provided)
- 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Coding session
- 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm – Presentations by teams
- 4:00 pm – 4:20 pm – Quiz Bowl
- 4:20 pm – 4:30 pm – Recognition of outstanding teams
It is recommended that you bring a laptop if you are able. We also recommend that you bring a mouse and a power cord for your laptop. We will have a limited amount of loaner laptops for participants who are not able to bring their own laptop.
Hackathon FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
- What is a Hackathon?
- Who Can Participate?
- Do I need to be part of a team?
- What if I can’t code?
- How much does it cost to participate?
- Can I implement any application?
- How do I register?
A Hackathon is an event where teams of students design and implement software within a very short time-frame.
The participants do not need to have mastered technical skills, like programming, before the hackathon. They can learn from each other and from mentors at the event.
Teens, aged 13-18 who are currently in middle, junior high, and/or high school can participate.
If you know other students, you can team up already before the Hackathon. But you can also join a team onsite. A team should consist of 3-4 students.
That is not a problem. We will get you started. Throughout the entire event, there will be professional mentors to help you code. We will use the Scratch programming platform from MIT that has been designed for youth programmers. If you are familiar with MIT APP Inventor, you may also use this visual programming environment as well. Every team needs more than programming expertise to excel. Teams must design applications around an issue or topic relevant to our communities (e.g., Poverty or Mental Health) as well as present their applications during the showcase at the end of the event.
If you would like to play around in Scratch before the Hackathon, it's free, easy, and fun, and we highly recommend it!
The registration fee is $10 per participant by check or cash at the event.
At the beginning of the Hackathon, a community leader will introduce the theme for the event. The theme will be an issue in our community that can be tackled through the development of an application using Scratch or MIT App Inventor. Each team will work with the event mentors to identify an application that addresses some aspect of the theme for the event with the required programming platform.
A teacher, or your parent or guardian, will have to register you. If you are already 18 years old, you may register yourself. To register, please complete this form
2025 Hackathon Location TLC Building
2024 Winners Hackathon
Ethan Creel, Alwin Prasanna
Creativity Award:
Tian Hu, Evelyn Qiao, Ray Li
Alaina Dhople, Izak Giese, Jival Patel, Sophia Yang