
A historically framed introduction to philosophy,high-lighting major developments that have defined Western philosophical inquiry. Required for the major in Philosophy.

Lecture Hours: 3.00 Lab Hours: 0Total Hours: 3.00


Spring 2025 Semester
Course Title Instructor Campus Section Syllabus
Introduction to Philosophy Christine James eCore 1AG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Philip Powe eCore 1BG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Andrew Waskey eCore 1CG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Yi Deng eCore 1DG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David Leonard eCore 1EG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Philip Powe eCore 1FG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Sanjay Lal eCore 1GG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Deborah Vess eCore 1HG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David Leonard eCore 5AG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Nathan Nobis eCore 5BG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Alan Nichols eCore 8AG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Lisa Yount eCore 8BG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David Leonard eCore 8CG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Kencho Tenzin eCore 5CG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Carmen Zinn eCore 1IG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Brett Hackett eCore 1JG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David Leonard eCore 5DG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David Leonard eCore 8DG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Kencho Tenzin eCore 8EG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy John Peace eCore 1KG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Brett Hackett eCore 1LG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Nathan Nobis eCore 8FG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Walter Riker, Ph.D. Carrollton 01 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Alzbeta Hajkova Carrollton 02 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Alzbeta Hajkova Carrollton 03 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Walter Riker, Ph.D. Carrollton 04 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Matthew Watts Distance E01 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Lavonna Lovern eCore 1MG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Jenna Thrasher-Sneathen eCore 1NG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Benjamin Buckley eCore 5EG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Jesse Russell eCore 5FG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Todd Hoffman eCore 8GG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Matthew Thompson eCore 8HG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Andrew Waskey eCore 1OG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David "Scott" Henderson eCore 1PG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Carmen Zinn eCore 1QG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy James Grindeland eCore 1RG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David Leonard eCore 1SG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David "Scott" Henderson eCore 1TG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Not Assigned eCore 8IG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Lisa Yount eCore 8JG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Matthew Watts Distance E03 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Todd Hoffman eCore 5GG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy William Crawford eCore 5HG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Joseph Johnson eCore 1UG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Jessica Holloman eCore 1VG eCore Courses External Resource
Fall 2024 Semester
Course Title Instructor Campus Section Syllabus
Introduction to Philosophy Christine James eCore 1AG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Todd Hoffman eCore 1BG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Sanjay Lal eCore 1CG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Deborah Vess eCore 1DG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Lavonna Lovern eCore 1EG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David "Scott" Henderson eCore 1FG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Benjamin Buckley eCore 5AG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David Leonard eCore 5BG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Nathan Nobis eCore 8AG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David Leonard eCore 8BG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Carmen Zinn eCore 1GG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David Leonard eCore 8CG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Jesse Russell eCore 8DG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Nathan Nobis eCore 5CG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Yi Deng eCore 1HG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Andrew Waskey eCore 1IG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Lisa Yount eCore 5DG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David Leonard eCore 1JG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Philip Powe eCore 1KG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Jenna Thrasher-Sneathen eCore 1LG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Carmen Zinn eCore 1MG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy John Peace eCore 1NG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Brett Hackett eCore 1OG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Kencho Tenzin eCore 5EG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Alan Nichols eCore 8EG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Philip Powe eCore 8FG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Nathan Nobis eCore 8GG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy William Crawford eCore 5FG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Kencho Tenzin eCore 8HG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Alzbeta Hajkova Carrollton 01 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Alzbeta Hajkova Carrollton 02 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Matthew Watts Distance E01 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Joseph Johnson Newnan 91 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Andrew Waskey eCore 1PG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Lisa Yount eCore 5GG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David Leonard eCore 1QG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David "Scott" Henderson eCore 1RG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy David Leonard eCore 5HG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Walter Riker, Ph.D. Carrollton 05 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Walter Riker, Ph.D. Carrollton 06 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Matthew Watts Distance E02 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy James Grindeland eCore 1SG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Brett Hackett eCore 1TG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Jessica Holloman eCore 1UG eCore Courses External Resource
Introduction to Philosophy Jessica Holloman eCore 1VG eCore Courses External Resource