On-Campus MBA Requirements

  1. Complete the online graduate application and pay the $40 application fee at 博彩平台推荐 Application - Create an Account
  2. Submit Official electronic transcripts to graduate@zhanmi.net.
  3. If you attended 博彩平台推荐, the Graduate School will obtain your 博彩平台推荐 College Transcript.
  4. GMAT and GRE scores are not required for applicants with an undergraduate GPA of 2.8 or higher.
  5. Applicants with an undergraduate GPA between 2.50 and 2.79 will be granted a provisional* admission.
    *Students admitted by provisional admission are not granted Federal Student Aid. In order to receive Federal Financial Aid, applicants must attain a score of 950 points based on the formula: (undergraduate GPA (on a 4.0 scale) x 200) + the applicant's Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) score, and a 3.0 or higher on the analytical writing section of the GMAT; OR Attain a score of 1,000 points based on the formula: (the upper-division undergraduate GPA (last 60 hours, on a 4.0 scale) x 200) + the applicant's GMAT score, and a 3.0 or higher on the analytical writing section of the GMAT. To qualify for Federal Student Aid as a provisional admission, submit official GMAT or GRE scores to graduate@zhanmi.net (博彩平台推荐 institution code is #5900 for the GMAT, GRE and TOEFL).

  6. Submit professional resume to graduate@zhanmi.net.
  7. Submit Verification of Lawful Presence to graduate@zhanmi.net
  8. Submit proof of immunization to:
    Office of Student Health Services,
    University of West Georgia,
    Carrollton, GA 30118-4700

Application Deadlines

  • Fall semester – July 15
  • Spring semester – November 15
  • Summer semester – May 15

International Application Deadlines

  • Fall semester – June 1
  • Spring semester – October 15
  • Summer semester – March 1

Online MBA Admission Requirements

Application Deadlines

  • Fall semester – July 15
  • Spring semester – November 15
  • Summer semester – Does Not Admit