How to Give

Our development staff is dedicated to assisting you make the most of your gift to University of West Georgia in order to continue to attract and retain the best students.
Whether it’s making a gift online to support the Annual Fund, a gift of securities, creating an endowment, or adding the University to a will or other estate plan, we’re here to help you through the process. Learn more about how you can support the University of West Georgia below.
The most convenient, secure and expedient way to ensure that your gift to University of West Georgia is received is to make it online via the 博彩平台推荐 Giving form.
By Mail
You may also use traditional mail using the following address:
University of West Georgia, 博彩平台推荐 Foundations1601 Maple Street
Carrollton, GA 30118
Make a Legacy Gift
Learn about how to include 博彩平台推荐 in your estate plans, bequests, annuities and wills.
博彩平台推荐 Foundation Legacy/Estate Giving Commitment Form (PDF 102K)
博彩平台推荐 Athletics Foundation Legacy/Estate Giving Commitment Form (PDF 105K)
Make a Multiyear Commitment
Printing and filling out our gift/pledge form allows you to distribute your payments any way you like. You may also make pledge payments in a variety of ways including credit card, check, or automatic bank draft.
IRA Contribution
If you are 70 1/2 and above, you can earn tax benefits with a Qualified Min/Charitable Distribution also known as an IRA Charitable Contribution.
STocks and bonds
Gifts of stocks and bonds can have a perpetual impact on the University of West Georgia. Learn how to transfer stocks or bonds to the 博彩平台推荐 Foundations.